Saturday, May 16, 2009

Soccer, soccer, soccer!!

The kids have played a lot of soccer this spring.  We had a couple weekends rained out, but one of those was made up on a Sunday.  They both really enjoy playing and having John coach--I'm not sure how he does it!  Both kids play on co-ed teams, so they're still getting to play with some of their daycare/school friends that are of the opposite gender.  Olivia actually took the ball off her head in this photo (not intentionally), but it looked cool!
Most of the time she runs down the field with a smile on her face:-)
Ben is one of the younger players on his team.  He is playing against some six year olds.  He runs as hard as he can the entire game.  Many times before a game he will say, "I'm not even going to let that ball get by me."
When the weather has been warm enough Sammy gets to enjoy some time outside on the grass.  He loves being outside!
This picture was taken on the Sunday of the make-up games---it was really warm, so before their games, Olivia and Ben "chilled" on the deck with juice boxes and a good book:-)

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