Sunday, April 26, 2009

Happy Easter!

It was another fun Easter.  The Easter Bunny hid 28 eggs each for Olivia and Ben and nine eggs for Sam. . . .the kids left the eggs out for him along with their Easter baskets.  They also left him a bowl of carrots (Olivia's idea), which we found by the front door in the morning. . .EMPTY!  It was a very magical morning.  The Easter Bunny answered some questions that Olivia had written and left by the carrots; she's going to add some more questions next year.
Olivia and Ben had fun searching for their baskets and eggs.  Ben found his first (in the laundry room sink) and Olivia finally found hers in one of the kitchen cupboards----it took a while because it was a cupboard she "didn't think the Easter Bunny would ever hide anything in."  
Sam's basket was in his pack-n-play that is set up in the sitting room---Ben and Olivia both found it, but they didn't say anything until we asked for their help!  He loved his basket and bunny ears.  He tried to eat one of the chocolate bunnies when we weren't watching.  He wore Ben's Easter shirt and pants from Ben's first Easter----they were a little snug on him:-)
The Easter Bunny hid one larger gift for each of the kids.  Ben got this cool Batman castle!
Olivia and Ben stopped playing long enough to take a picture with me!

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