Sunday, April 26, 2009

End of Spring Break

We really enjoyed our week of spring break!  We got a lot of little things accomplished and also had fun playing.  Most of our time was spent at home, which was fine with the kids. . . .and me!  Sam was on a great schedule, taking two naps each day. . .that gave Olivia, Ben, and Mommy some free time to do "big kid stuff."
Angela's best friend Marissa had a shower for her right before Easter.  She made this wreath out of diapers--it was so cute!  She and Angela have been friends since junior high.  Marissa is expecting her first baby in September!
Olivia helped me feed Sam during spring break.  She does a great job!  Both of them enjoy it.
We've set up a play yard for Sam in the living room.  He likes it but is starting to learn how to escape.. . .he's not crawling yet, but he scoots very well.
This was our last day of spring break---for some reason Olivia and Sam still had lots of energy, but Ben was dragging. . . . .he didn't take many naps this week.  He was a big helper and played with Sam in his play yard A LOT!

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