Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sam's First Birthday!

Sam is ONE! His big day was the 25th of July. He loved his cake and even had his first few bites of ice cream (something our family loves to eat)! He was a good boy while opening his presents--his brother and sister were more than happy to help him. Now that Sam is one, he gets to face the front in his car seat, which makes him very happy. He isn't walking yet, but he likes to stand by himself and walk while holding onto furniture and Mom's leg! He still isn't a fan of his sippy cup. He isn't transitioning from the bottle like Olivia and Ben did. . . . . . . .I took it away the day they turned one and they were fine with it. I can't say the same for Sam. . . . hopefully by the time I go back to school next week, he will accept it:-)
Sam's attempt at using the spoon himself to eat the ice cream. When he finished his cake and ice cream, we stripped him down and gave him a bath!
Sam is working on cutting his 10th tooth-----chewing is not a problem for him.
Sam is full of laughs and smiles most of the time. He is so much fun to have around:-)
He is trying to sit in chairs (his size of course)--no luck yet. . .just lots of tumbles!
Olivia and Ben had a lot of fun celebrating Sam's birthday. They were a big help planning the party!

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