Friday, July 24, 2009

Olivia Turned 7!!

Olivia turned 7 on July 9. She has been talking about turning 7 since she turned 6! She didn't have a kid party this year, but John worked from home in the morning and then we took her out to lunch. Her Grandma Jane, Aunt Amy, Aunt Angela and Uncle Tyler and Millie came over to help us celebrate. She wanted me to make cupcakes this year with pink and chocolate frosting, so that's what she got:-) She received a lot of nice cards and gifts!
She is reading like crazy this summer, so she got a lot of books from Aunt Amy and Aunt Angela and Uncle Tyler. She got two folders to use for her "papers"--that can mean anything from drawings, to math worksheets, to stories she is writing!
Some new Nikes for school this fall. . . . .Ben liked being in almost every picture because he was wearing a party hat.
The only thing she really asked for was a swimming Barbie and some new Barbie clothes. . . . she still likes to play Barbies!!
One of her favorite gifts was her new watch. She does very well telling time. She tells us the time A LOT now.

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