Sunday, February 1, 2009

Where did January go??

Once again, I'm a bit behind on the blog!  So here are a bunch of pictures highlighting our month. . . . .it has been a fun one!  We have hit a few milestones:  Olivia lost her other front tooth, so she is officially hoping for "two front teeth."  Sam has just cut his two bottom teeth; he was a bit fussy, but still managed to be his easygoing self most of the time:-)  He did have an ear infection as well, so he is now finishing his medicine and beginning to feel better:-) Ben had a little cold, but for the most part has been healthy. . .and Olivia hasn't even had a cold (I'm knocking on wood right now).  Ben is writing his name now and still spelling several words.  Olivia loves school and enjoyed celebrating the 100th day of school; she brought 100 Skittles to share with the class--she wanted to go shopping for a dress with the words "100th Day of School" on it, but I talked her out of it!  With two new teeth Sam is now eating cereal and liking it; he is getting close to sitting without support--for now he is pretty content on the floor rolling around.  He loves to play with is feet; Olivia keeps asking me, "Why does Sam have to be so cute?"  Both Olivia and Ben are a great help with Sam. . . . .also with cleaning (as you can see in some pictures below).  The kids went to the library a couple of times this month with Daddy, and we all went swimming one Friday night at the YMCA; all three kids had a great time.  Olivia and Ben went to a friend's birthday party yesterday at Boingz---they had a great time going down all the slides and jumping, jumping, jumping.  I'll try to update the blog more frequently in the future. . . . . .

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