Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tree Decorating, Game Night, and KC Trip

We put up the Christmas decorations on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  This is the first year that both Olivia and Ben have really wanted to help.  They put most of the decorations on the tree!  Ben got hot, so he had to take off his pants!

Olivia's school had a family game night where we went with her to her classroom and created a board game using her Word Wall words from the semester.  It was a lot of fun.  Sam came with us and Ben went stayed at his friend Maci's house and played.  Maci's brother Jackson is one of Olivia's good friends--they're always being silly and this night was no different:-)
I went with some friends to Kansas City to shop and just have a "girls only" weekend.  Deb, Amy, Stephanie, Michelle, and I met Dedra (who lives in Kansas) in KC---we enjoyed some great shopping and had lots of fun riding around in the limo that night!  John and the kids spent the weekend in Lincoln with Grandma and Grandpa Boudreau!

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